Answered By: Spalding Library
Last Updated: Jun 08, 2022     Views: 46

The library provides access to databases, journals, and other electronic resources that come from a variety of different publishers and providers. From time to time, these different products do not integrate as expected and you may see a "Linked Full Text" link in your search results that does not actually open the full text of the article. In this case, one of two things may be happening:

  1. We have access to the article, but there is a problem with the link. In this case, follow the steps below to access the article.
  2. We have access to the journal or resource that contains the article, but do not actually have access to the specific issue that contains that article. In this case, follow the steps below, and then create an Interlibrary Loan request if we do not have access to the article.

To determine whether or not we actually have access to the article, you should record the citation information and then do the following:

  1. Access the Journal Finder via the Library website or the link below
  2. Search for the title of the Journal that you need
  3. Once you have found the correct Journal, the database(s) in which it is held will appear, along with the coverage dates for which we have access. This may look like 1967-1992, 1985-present, 1993-last 18 months, etc.
  4. If the article that you need is within our coverage dates, you should be able to navigate to the correct volume and issue to access the article. If it is not within our coverage dates, you will need to submit an Interlibrary Loan request, also linked below.
  5. If your article is within the coverage dates that we should have, but you are still unable to access the article, please complete the Report Database/Journal Problems form at the link below.