n order to search for books beyond Spalding's collection, you will need to use OCLC Worldcat, which is an online catalog that indexes books from libraries all over the world.
You can access Worldcat from the "Old WMS Search" link in the Library homepage search box, or simply by visiting www.worldcat.org. Log-in to Spalding's customized Worldcat page when prompted.
From Worldcat, search for the title and author in the Advanced Search option, and click on the record that matches your search. For an item outside of Spalding's collection, you will see the option to "Find it in libraries globally."
Click "Worldwide libraries own this item" to see a list of nearby libraries that hold this item.

Spalding students, faculty, and staff can request the item through Interlibrary Loan, OR they can go in person to a Metroversity-affiliated institution (if applicable) and check out the print book with their Spalding ID.
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