Answered By: Brandi Lynn
Last Updated: Jun 18, 2020     Views: 27

We're sorry you're having an issue finding something you liked for your course! There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to locate the item: 

The link isn't working. 

If the link isn't working, try locating the item again through the DiscoverEagle catalog. Sometimes the link has changed or the original link was not the permanent link. If you need help finding the permalink, click here. If you still can't find it, contact us

The item has been removed from the database it was in. 

Databases update their content on a regular basis and sometimes cull resources within their databases. This is unlikely but could happen. 

The library no longer subscribes to the database.

The Library is asked to cut its budget on essentially a yearly basis. We make every effort to have the most comprehensive collection of electronic resources that we feasibly can, but sometimes we have to make the difficult decision to cancel our subscription for certain databases.

These decisions are based on a number of analytics, but the most important one is usage. If you really like a certain database or resource, use it a lot and encourage others to do the same! 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us