Answered By: Jennifer Jeffers
Last Updated: Aug 09, 2024     Views: 16

Only Spalding faculty and staff are allowed to check out the button maker. If you are involved with a student organization, your faculty or staff advisor must email the library giving you permission to check out the machine in their name.

By checking out the button maker, you agree to the following terms:

  • All materials are to be purchased by the user. The library does not provide materials for the button maker. If the request is not made in enough time to order button-making materials, the library may allow departments to use their materials after receiving one of the following: a departmental budget number to purchase replacement materials OR an order confirmation for replacement materials. (Materials for our 1.5” button machine can be purchased online.)
  • Library events and needs take priority over other departmental requests of the button maker.
  • It is preferred that the button maker stay in the library. If the library deems it necessary, the button maker may be checked out and taken outside the building.
  • All instructions must be followed when using the button maker. Failure to follow instructions could result in a machine breakdown. If the machine breaks due to misuse, the borrowing department will be liable for repairs/replacement.
  • When using the button puncher, please limit use to a SINGLE piece of PAPER. Do not make buttons out of any other materials or try to punch multiple sheets at once. Anything thicker than a single piece of paper may jam the puncher.